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7 Best Foods for Beautiful Winter Skin

By February 28, 2014August 16th, 2022No Comments

What are the 7 Best Foods for Beautiful Winter Skin?

Winter has the tendency to dry your skin, and no one wants that. Our skin is the largest and most sensitive organ in our body, so it is important to provide it with essential nutrients. There are some foods that can help keep your skin looking its best, even in the winter, and they are all foods that in-season now. Here are my 7 favorites.


Green leafy vegetables are great for the skin, and spinach is on the top of the list. Loaded with vitamins like Vitamin A, C, E and vitamin K as well as vital minerals, this vegetable plays an important role in skincare. The amazing antioxidants and nutrients in spinach can even out your complexion, making your skin look radiant.


Grapefruit, with its tangy flavor, is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production in the skin. Grapefruit has the highest concentration of vitamin C of all the citrus fruits. It is also rich in antioxidants, and is said to flush the toxins out of our bodies, which leads to healthy skin.


Edamame, AKA soybeans, are full of healthy benefits: they contain protein, vitamin C, iron and calcium. They contains high levels of isoflavones, a plant estrogen that improves skin firmness. And we all want that!

Green Tea

No more soda: try green tea instead, hot or iced. It is said to help fight fine lines and wrinkles, and can improve skin’s elasticity, roughness, scaling and moisture content.

Tuna (ahi)

Tuna is densely packed with B vitamins, which is great for our skin. The omega-3 count in tuna is also great for skin care. It helps reduce inflammation, which helps reduce the risk of sunburn and skin cancer.


Carrots keep your skin healthy and vibrant. These beta-carotene rich foods actually convert to vitamin A in the body. This process increases oil production in the skin’s sebaceous glands, helping with conditions like acne.


Broccoli, a cruciferous veggie is high in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. The vitamin C in broccoli aids in collagen production and keeps your skin healthy and supple, while vitamin E protects your skin cell membranes and guards against UV radiation damage.